Op.Dr.Nagihan Saz
Op.Dr.Nagihan Saz
Mimar Sinan Mh. Ali Çetinkaya Blv. Uğur Apt No:58 D:8 K:3 Alsancak/Konak
+90 (530) 492 27 29
Op. Dr. Nagihan SAZ | Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist
  • Mimar Sinan Mh. Ali Çetinkaya Blv. Uğur Apt No:58 D:8 K:3 Alsancak/Konak
  • +90 (530) 492 27 29
  • info@drnagihansaz.com

Pregnant women are deceived by false pains

Pregnant women are deceived by false pains

Pregnant women are deceived by false pains

Gynecologist Dr. Nagihan Saz said that the pains felt especially in the last three months of pregnancy were panicked by the expectant mothers who thought it was "birth pain".
Op. Dr. Saz said, "60-70% of our patients who applied with the thought that labor has begun, are pregnant with these false contractions. With a 5-question test, pregnant women can understand whether these contractions are false labor pains or not, and they do not panic for nothing."

Stating that pregnancy is a long process that causes many changes in the body and soul of the expectant mother, İzmir Kent Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Opr. Dr. Saz warned about the pains that occur during pregnancy. Noting that it is natural for the expectant mother to feel contractions in the uterus and pain in the groin area during pregnancy, Saz said:


"Pain in the first months of pregnancy usually occurs due to the enlargement of the uterus and the stretching of the ligaments holding it. It is a constant, mild and widespread pain in the groin area. In the last trimester, these pains are more in the form of hardening. These pains called  Braxton Hicks Contractions  are false labor pains. The most important and distinguishing feature of these contractions from real labor pains is that they do not come regularly. False labor pains are contractions that prepare the expectant mother and her uterus for real labor pains and usually start around the 24th week. Sexual intercourse, being thirsty, getting tired after standing for a long time, These pains occur more in cases such as being very active or getting a blow to the abdomen.”


Op. Dr.Saz pointed out that not every abdominal and groin pain felt will not be a sign of birth, and that even a simple constipation can cause abdominal pain. Saz addressed the expectant mothers as follows:

"Don t stress yourself and your baby by panicking and rushing to the hospitals right away. We see in our own practice that 60-70% of the patients who apply to us thinking that the birth has begun, are those who apply because of false labor pains. When you feel any pain and contraction, especially in the last three months of your pregnancy. Ask yourself the following questions during your period: Does my pain come regularly, that is, at the same frequency? Does the severity of my pain increase gradually? Does it not go away when lying down, resting or moving, consuming liquid or with massage? Is there a feeling of pressure down with the pain? Is there a discharge? If the answer to all of them is yes, contact your doctor immediately. If the answer is  no and you feel your baby playing often after the pain has passed, you can relax."Gynecologist Dr. Nagihan Saz said that the pains felt especially in the last three months of pregnancy were panicked by the expectant mothers who thought it was "birth pain".
Op. Dr. Saz said, "60-70% of our patients who applied with the thought that labor has begun, are pregnant with these false contractions. With a 5-question test, pregnant women can understand whether these contractions are false labor pains or not, and they do not panic for nothing.”