The correct diagnosis of vaginismus is extremely important for the selection of the treatment method to be applied and the success of the treatment.
How is vaginismus diagnosed and diagnosed? Gynecological Examination
The diagnosis of vaginismus can be made after a very simple gynecological evaluation, lasting 15 seconds, performed by an expert and experienced gynecologist. No tools are used during the gynecological examination, it is just a simple visual evaluation.
In fact, in all sexual intercourse problems such as painful intercourse, sexual reluctance and orgasm problems, a gynecologist examination - evaluation is essential before the source of the problem can be fully revealed. Women with vaginismus problems may have trouble seeing a gynecologist. Just like in intercourse, they may make unnecessary, uncontrolled, reflex movements during the gynecological evaluation. However, most of these concerns are unfounded.
How to overcome the fear of gynecologist in vaginismus?
Confidence in the physician, honestly telling the patient what will be done in the examination, the gynecological examination process is extremely painless, no tools are used, and the evaluation takes only 15 seconds completely avoids all these concerns.
Many genital anatomical problems can cause couples to be unable to have sexual intercourse; With the detection of this, it can prevent the person from taking psychotherapy unnecessarily for months or even years.
In vaginismus, which is a sexual dysfunction, as a result of contractions in the muscles of the lower 1/3 of the vagina during sexual intercourse, the penis cannot enter at all or can enter in a very laborious and painful way. The problem arises from some fears that have settled in the unconscious over the years at a rate of 90%.
Among the symptoms of vaginismus, it is observed that those who have the problem cannot insert foreign objects such as tampons, pads or suppositories into the vagina, and cannot insert their fingers into the vagina (in this case, they feel pain and pain). A simple gynecological evaluation after the person's medical history is important for the diagnosis of vaginismus.
Can the diagnosis of vaginismus be made even by the patient herself?
Many patients who have the problem of not being able to have sexual intercourse can diagnose and diagnose vaginismus completely by looking at the information on the internet sites. However, the diagnosis and diagnosis of vaginismus can be made definitively after a gynecological evaluation. In the gynecological evaluation, the presence of physical reasons that cause the inability to have sexual intercourse can also be revealed. In this way, the correct treatment technique to be applied will also be determined.
Many of their patients state that they learned the name of vaginismus for the first time when this condition occurred on their own. Many of them reach the level of knowledge enough to make the diagnosis of vaginismus on their own with their fine research.
Genital Aesthetics
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Genital Aesthetics
Genital Aesthetics
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Pregnancy and Birth
Pregnancy and Birth