Diseases treated with gynecological laser
Laser, which is a light technology, enables the restructuring of collagen in the tissue by focusing the energy on a single point. Many branches of medicine benefit from laser. In functional gynecology, it is used as an alternative to surgery in all diseases related to collagen tissue, for healing purposes. Laser application is an important treatment method used not only cosmetically but also functionally effectively in gynecology.
Urinary Incontinence
Gynecological laser applications are most commonly applied in the treatment of urinary incontinence. In this way, successful results are obtained in sagging of the anterior and posterior walls of the vagina, enlargement of the vagina, and mild to moderate urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is an extremely common ailment among women. In particular, almost one in three or four women over the age of 35-40 suffer from urinary incontinence due to moderate or severe stress incontinence. This problem, which is experienced due to reasons such as coughing and sneezing, which increase the internal pressure of the abdomen, negatively affects daily life. Pointing out that women do not often voice this problem and accept it as a normal situation, Assoc. Dr. Abike said, “Kegel exercises and physiotherapy can be used in treatment. Although surgical methods are used in very advanced cases, laser applications can now be applied in many patients. With two sessions of laser, the problem can be reduced to almost zero. Thus, the hospitalization rates and complications that can be seen after surgery are reduced.
Vaginal Tightening and Tightening
The person's genetically loose connective tissues, birth or surgery can cause the vagina to expand. This can cause problems such as difficulty in orgasm and sexual incompatibility between couples. It is often preferred for laser tightening and narrowing of the vagina. The application restructures the collagen tissue in that area by stimulating it. Thus, the tissue is strengthened, sagging decreases and a recovery occurs in the vagina. Compared to surgery, complications are almost non-existent.
Recurring Fungi and Infections
Laser applications are also used successfully in the treatment of recurrent genital infections and fungi. Due to fungi and infections, the functions of the flora are impaired; For this reason, in stubborn cases where there are continuous discharge and infection problems, extremely effective results can be obtained from the laser, as it provides restructuring of the vaginal mucosa.
Menopause Vaginal Dryness
Due to estrogen deficiency in menopause, serious differences occur in the genital system. Especially after the second year, vaginal dryness problems arise. Since there is atrophy in the urinary tract, problems such as frequent urination, burning and sensitivity are seen. Stating that menopause is not a period when sexual activity ends, but vaginal dryness causes deterioration in sexual function, Assoc. Dr. Abike continues: “Women are starting to avoid sexual intercourse due to the feeling of pain and dryness. In order to overcome the problem of dryness, it is necessary to replace estrogen, but it can be used in a limited way. The 15-minute laser application in the outpatient setting is extremely effective, especially in the vaginal dryness problems of the postmenopausal period called 'atrophitic vaginitis'. Research in large patient groups in Italy shows that a laser application can solve this problem for about 24 months.”
Genital Darkening and Genital Warts
A number of reasons such as pregnancy, diabetes, recurrent infections, cosmetics, and frequent shaving cause darkening in the genital area. With the superficial laser applications applied to the external genital area, namely the vulva, it is ensured that the area is returned to its original color. The vaginal whitening process, which has no side effects, takes 10-15 minutes and usually gives successful results in a single session. In some cases, several sessions may be required. In addition, if there are problems such as sagging on the outer lips, they can also be recovered.
How is laser therapy applied?
The vagina is a natural cavity, so laser applications can be performed simply like PAP smear test or examination. The vagina and cervix are not sensitive to pain. E.g; In the problem of urinary incontinence, this problem can be solved by applying lasers at intervals of 1-1.5 mm into the vagina with a painless, 15-20 minute application, without the need for anesthesia, and then, perhaps, by applying another session after an average of four weeks. Most importantly, thanks to the robotic laser, the dose and area to be applied during the procedure can be selected according to the discomfort. Publications on this subject reveal that the method compared to surgery is indistinguishable in terms of effectiveness. The most important difference in laser, which is almost as effective as surgeries, is that the patient's return to daily life is shorter.
Genital Aesthetics
Genital Aesthetics
Pregnancy and Birth
Genital Aesthetics
Pregnancy and Birth