Family Planning Methods
Birth Control Methods
It is possible to evaluate the methods of restraint of pregnancy in two groups. These methods have advantages as well as disadvantages. Not every method is suitable for everyone. For this reason, it would be healthy to apply the prevention method recommended by a specialist physician.
Traditional methods applied; Withdrawal, calendar method and vaginal washing after intercourse are the methods with the highest pregnancy risk. The most commonly used method in our country is the withdrawal method. In the withdrawal method, the success rate of pregnancy prevention is 9-15%, even in the most accurate form.
Barrier methods are listed as condom, vaginal condom, vaginal diaphragm, cervical cap.
Condoms are a method that prevents sexually transmitted diseases. Contrary to popular belief, the failures of the method depend on usage errors rather than construction errors. The condom should be put on before intercourse, and after the man ejaculates, the penis loses its hardness and semen should not be transmitted to the vagina.
Vaginal Diaphragm placed in the vagina is a barrier method that extends backwards to include the cervix. It is widely used abroad. Its advantage is; It must be inserted before intercourse and removed for 6 hours. It is a good method for women who can apply it.
The cervical cap is the shape of the diaphragm placed in the cervix. It can stay in place for 24 hours. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to place. Since the cervical cap is not a widely used method, the suitability of women for this method should be determined primarily by their doctor, who are considering using a cervical cap. He may also have urinary tract infections.
Hormonal Methods in Family Planning
They are the most widely used and most effective methods. The most commonly used form is birth control pills. Other methods include monthly, 3-monthly needles and implants.
Birth Control Pills (BCP):
Thanks to the hormones they contain, birth control pills, which primarily act by temporarily stopping the ovulation process, are among the first methods that modern women consider in family planning today.
Birth control pills prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation. Birth control pills are sold in forms of 21 tablets.
The way of use is;
BCP is most commonly sold in forms of 21 tablets. 1 pill is used every day for 21 days, 7 days break is taken when the box is finished, menstrual bleeding takes place in this 7-day period. After a 7-day break, a new box is started. A point that should not be forgotten in the use of these drugs is that the protection is low in the first box, therefore it is absolutely necessary to be protected with an additional method in the first box.
Birth control pills have many beneficial effects besides their contraceptive effects;
They make menstruation more regular.
They reduce premenstrual tension, menstrual pain and complaints of endometriosis.
They reduce the risk of uterine lining and ovarian cancer.
They reduce the amount of menstrual bleeding and reduce the irregularity caused by iron deficiency.
They prevent ectopic pregnancy.
They reduce uterine infections.
They reduce the incidence of recurrent functional ovarian cysts.
They reduce the risk of osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
The disadvantage of the birth control pill is an increase in clotting in the lungs and brain vessels. Family planning under the supervision of a specialist physician carries a period in this respect.
Morning After Pills
Morning-after pills are pregnancy protection after unprotected sexual intercourse or due to unwanted situations. It is correct to take it within the first 72 hours after intercourse. It has side effects such as breast tenderness, nausea and vomiting.
Monthly or Quarterly Injections
They are needles that are applied directly into the muscle containing progesterone substance. During the first months of use, there may be irregular bleeding. Its protection is around 98%.
Subcutaneous Implants;
With this method, 1 or 6 capsules are placed in the inner part of the arm, that is, under the skin, depending on the situation. The failure rate is low. The most important advantage is that it prevents pregnancy for 5 years without any effort after the implant is placed under the skin of the woman using the method.
Side effects are listed as weight gain, breast tenderness, irregular menstrual bleeding.
Spirals (Intrauterine Device,IUD);
There are 3 types of the most widely used long-acting spirals in the world.
Pure IUD
Copper IUD
Hormone IUDThe most commonly used ones in our country are the spiral copper IUDs. The appropriate time to insert the spiral is the menstrual period.
Sterilization in Women
Unlike the birth control method, they are surgical methods that enable the termination of uremia.
Tubal ligation by open surgery with laparotomy.
Closure and burning of tubes with laparoscopy.
If the uterus needs to be removed for other indications, hysterectomy
Occlusion of the tubes by entering the uterus with the hysteroscope, which is an endoscopic method
In women who have had children over the age of 30, it should be applied by obtaining the signatures of both spouses. Sterilization is also the method applied to women who have significant health problems and are inconvenient to give birth.
Sterilization in Men
Ligation of the male tubes; vasectomy is a reversible method; however, it has been observed that fertility decreases, sperm count and motility decrease when it is desired to open up the reproduction after the surgery.
Genital Aesthetics
Pregnancy and Birth
Genital Aesthetics
Genital Aesthetics
Pregnancy and Birth
Pregnancy and Birth
Pregnancy and Birth