What is Vagina Whitening?
One of the most frequently performed aesthetic applications in the female genital area is the vagina whitening application. Vagina whitening, applied by experts and experienced doctors in the field, is carried out with laser technology. Laser technology, which is used in the treatment of many skin problems and in aesthetic operations, also produces successful results in the vagina whitening process. Color deformation and color change occur in the genital area for a number of reasons. These reasons can be listed as follows; - Advanced age - Genetic reasons - Powder and cosmetic materials applied to the genital area - Infections - Excess weight - Hormonal imbalances - Excessive melatonin production - Using synthetic underwear - Postpartum deformations - Irregular diet -inflammation -various skin diseases There are problems such as darkening, darkening and browning in the color of the genital areas. This situation causes self-confidence problems in many women and negatively affects their sexual lives. Today, many women apply to vagina whitening applications for these reasons.
Vagina whitening process; It can be applied in the female genital area, inner lips, outer lips, anal area, breech area and vagina entrance. Although this application is quite comfortable, it takes about 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to apply any vaginal whitening cream, shaving and tanning for 3 days before this procedure. At the same time, during the healing process after the application, comfortable and loose laundry and clothes should be preferred. Vagina whitening is performed by making laser adjustment after the patient's skin type is evaluated. The vagina whitening procedure, which is performed without the need for any anesthesia or local anesthesia, does not cause pain and pain. Although the number of sessions may vary according to the skin type, the procedure can usually be performed in 3 sessions.
How is Genital Whitening Procedure Performed?
The difference is immediately felt after the laser sessions applied to women who have a problem of darkening in the genital area. Since creams with a local anesthetic effect are applied to the area before the procedure begins, pain or pain is not felt during the sessions.
If you want to whiten your genital area, melanocyte cells must be broken down with the help of laser beams, and then genital whitening is achieved. In the first days after this procedure, you may experience things such as edema, slight redness and swelling. As time passes, darkening begins for the first time in the areas where the laser is applied, and after the dead skin cells are shed, new white skin takes its place. After the genital whitening process, your skin will be renewed. In this way, it will have a brighter and fuller appearance. The number of sessions can be determined as 2-3 sessions according to the skin structure and skin characteristics of the person. In addition to lightening the dark color on the skin, if there are already dark spots in the area, these spots can also be removed.
Laser sessions give very effective and efficient results if the precautions to be taken before the whitening process are followed. Before the vagina whitening laser session, the person should not apply cream or shave the genital area for 3 days. We recognize that some concerns about laser technology persist today. However, with the advancement of technology and people's awareness of laser, it is possible to say that laser treatment is not harmful if applied by experts.
After the laser genital area bleaching sessions, people can return to their daily lives in a short time and do not feel psychologically uncomfortable because their self-confidence increases. If you wish, bleaching can be applied to the inner and outer lips, anal area, vaginal entrance area or all areas of the genital area.
What Kind of Problems Does Darkening of the Genital Area Cause?
Darkness and darkening of the genital area do not cause physical or structural problems. Only the darkness of the color can cause psychological problems in some people. Some people can turn these problems into problems for themselves by comparing them with the people around them. Sometimes, because people are very uncomfortable with this situation, their sexual life is negatively affected. People who do not like their genital area and find it dark in color state that this situation negatively affects their sexual life.
In this case, the process of bleaching the vagina in the genital area; It is important for people to improve both their mental health and their sexual life. In the genital area whitening process, positive results are obtained with laser, chemical peeling or special methods and treatment combinations for genital area bleaching.
When Will Color Lightening Be Seen After Laser Processing?
Discoloration and whitening in the genital area are seen very quickly, and sometimes it takes up to 1 month for the genital area to turn white after the procedure. People need to be patient with the bleaching process. Sometimes a single session is sufficient, sometimes 2nd and 3rd sessions may be required. The duration of vaginal whitening varies for each woman. At the end of the procedure, the desired result is obtained with the laser process of lightening the genital area.
Is Laser Genital Area Color Lightening Process Painful?
No way. With the anesthetic cream applied to the genital area before the operation and local anesthesia after the operation, pain is not felt during the procedure.
Pregnancy and Birth
Genital Aesthetics
Pregnancy and Birth
Genital Aesthetics
Genital Aesthetics
Pregnancy and Birth
Genital Aesthetics
Genital Aesthetics
Pregnancy and Birth