It can be called genital wart, condyloma, verrue. Warts can occur on any part of the body. However, those that grow in the genital area are called genital warts or condylomas. In general, it starts with itching in the genital area, that is, the genital area. The itchy areas later turn red and turn into small cauliflower-like structures there.
Herpes Virus (HV) and Human Paplloma Virus (HPV) are responsible for genital warts. It is known for certain that they are sexually transmitted. Due to the faster increase in recent times, attention has been focused elsewhere. In this context, some common tools and materials are discussed.
Genital Warts Symptoms
Warts on the genital area begin with a sweet and occasional itch at first. As the days pass, the duration and amount of these itching increases. Then it starts to turn red. In people who do not go to the doctor during this period, the disease continues and initially millimetric, that is, very small swellings occur. These then multiply in number and combine to take on the appearance of cauliflower. Depending on the type of virus, this image may be soft or hard with a stem or a broad base. It can be very different in color.
Genital Wart Diagnosis
Early diagnosis is very important. Diagnosis is made by examination of the genital area of the patient.
It starts with itching. Since many times in that period it is confused with the diagnosis of fungus, fungal treatment is given. These treatments sometimes contain substances containing cortisone. This causes the disease to progress faster. If there is no benefit from ointment or pomade treatment in the case of a genital fungus, a physician should be consulted immediately.
We mentioned above that it is with genital warts, HV and HPV. Some types of HPV cause cancer. However, genital HPV and HV have not been proven to cause cancer.
It is known that some HPV types in the head and neck, mouth (tongue, tonsils, larynx), penis, vagina, vulva and anus areas cause cancer.
Although HPV responsible for genital warts does not generally cause cancer, it is not possible to say anything about the future beforehand.
For a definitive diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor first. Genital Wart in Men is mostly handled by Urologist and Dermatologist. Genital Warts in Women are handled by Gynecologist and Dermatologist.
Genital Wart Contagion
The transmission route of genital warts is generally sexual. Persons with HPV or HV virus transmit it to their partners, namely their partners, during sexual contact.
The occurrence of the disease in the person infected with genital warts depends on some factors. Whether the person has skin integrity plays an important role. Sometimes, irritations that cannot be noticed with the naked eye (for example, small abrasions caused by sharp razors and similar tools used in cleaning the area) are very effective in infection transmission.
One's body resistance is another important factor. When people who do not have a healthy diet, have a stressful personality, do not have a good sleep pattern, have a stressful job, have diabetes or have high insulin resistance, and have vitamin D deficiency, when they encounter the virus, their body defense mechanisms, namely the "immune system", have trouble resisting it and the virus begins to multiply in the body.
The contagious potential of the virus is another important factor. As it is known, nearly 40 HPV types and different numbers of HV types have been detected. Which of them infected? Depending on which subgroup infects, the rate and prevalence of the virus disease, as well as its contagiousness, vary.
Virus Frequency
It started to be seen in almost 50% of the population. In recent years, giving up or less use of condoms for various reasons has played an important role.
Oral contraceptive pills (oral contraceptives) and spirals (IUD) used to prevent pregnancy, tubal ligation in women, increase in the number of vasectomy in men, have led to drowsiness in people only by considering pregnancy. Using condoms is not only for the purpose of contraception, but also plays a very active role in preventing sexually transmitted diseases. In order to prevent genital warts, our people should pay attention to this issue.
Genital Wart Prevention
We all know the importance of protection. For this reason, it is important not to dwell on only one situation when talking about protection. It consists of 3 pillars such as protection, vaccination, condom, monogamy.
For vaccination, 3 vaccinations recommended by the doctor are required. A single vaccine is not effective. Vaccination is generally valuable if given before sexual intercourse. It should not be forgotten that the vaccine protects against certain types of HPV. Vaccination should be given to both men and women.
The habit of using condoms or condoms has a very effective role in preventing genital warts. We strongly recommend condoms, especially when having sexual intercourse with people you do not know.
Monogamy is an important prevention factor. In this way, you protect yourself and your partner.
Genital Warts Treatment- Izmir
Different treatments can be applied depending on factors such as the number, location and spread of the wart. There are different methods such as chemical substances, ointments and pomades, electro cautery, chemical cautery and cryotherapy. There is also a radiofrequency cautery procedure, which has been used in recent years and is found in very few numbers in our country.
Radiofrequency cautery is currently available in my clinic. The advantages of this device allow deeper and more effective application. This effective depth significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of the wart in the same area. Other advantages are the use of lower voltage and the need for shorter processing time. The system is completely safe and the device does not work in any way when the connections are not complete. Thus, undesirable side effects do not occur.
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Genital Aesthetics
Genital Aesthetics
Genital Aesthetics
Pregnancy and Birth
Pregnancy and Birth
Genital Aesthetics